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Beth Donahue, the Executive Director of Springfield Domestic Violence Coalition.

Beth Donahue

Hi, I’m Beth Donahue, the Executive Director of Springfield Domestic Violence Coalition.

I will be here for EVERY Commission meeting speaking about the rise in Domestic Violence in MY Community.

I REFUSE to be intimidated by the Clark County Prosecutor, Dan Driscoll, I will not be intimidated by Denise Williams the NAACP President and I WILL NOT be Intimidated by the Clark County Sheriff's Department.


The Number of Incoming Domestic Violence Cases via Domestic Relations Division Court

376 in 2003

1,400 in 2023.

The 1,400 cases were the Highest in the history of Clark County

Clark County will far exceed the 1,400 cases in 2024,

Compared to the other 87 Ohio Counties, based on “per-capita caseload” Clark County is 4 Standard Deviations above the mean. -THAT’S NOT A GOOD THING

I’m NOT talking about Criminal Cases before a Judge – I’ am pointing out cases which are: Petitions for civil domestic violence protection orders


The court dismissal rate for protection orders:

15.9% in 2003

70.6% in 2022


In 2022, 91% of those women that received a Protection Order, the abuser violated the Protection order.

Yes, violating a protection order is a Criminal Offense.

Furthermore, of the abusers that violated that Protection order 3 or more times, a total of 98% of those criminal cases were dismissed.


Criminal Court Case Terminations for Municipal Court

In 2013 42% of criminal cases were dismissed

In 2023 64% of criminal cases were dismissed.


Percentage of criminal case dismissals that were Domestic Violence.

In 2013 it was 22.3% of Cases

In 2023 it was 49% of Cases

- That means half of all Criminal cases dismissed in 2023, were Domestic Violence Cases. And based on 2024 projections: it should rise to 60% of cases dismissals


Marriage rates in Clark County have dropped to over half, from 1,194 in 1990 to 612 in 2020

The percentage of DV Victims reported as Married went from 15.3% in 2017 to 8.3% in 2022

The percentage of DV Victims reported as “Not Married or Live-in-Partners” went from 18.4% in 2015 to 30.6% in 2023

What does this mean, there are less Domestic Violence legal protections for Single, live-in partners, except for filing eviction.

Enough talk about YOU taking this seriously - I want action NOW



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