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Call for Action Springfield and Clark County

Beth Donahue

City of Springfield and Clark County official policy statement: "Higher (Domestic Violence) numbers aren't always a bad thing." - Racial Injustice

Our local elected officials and county government agencies need to be transparent about violent crime and domestic violence occurring in Clark County. Recently, in a July 16 television news report conducted by ABC News, Channel 22 Dayton, a poor attempt was made by the City of Springfield to confirm their commitment to addressing domestic violence in which they vigorously claimed to be working with the Clark County Sheriff's Office to reduce domestic violence. Again, The City's claim of addressing the rising Domestic Violence and Crime was without presenting any facts, data, or evidence to support their claim. Rigorous research and investigation spanning from 2017 to the present for ANY presentation of data or research have NEVER surfaced in the media or public reports presented by City or County agencies, City Commissioners, County Commissioners, The Springfield Police Department, or Clark County Sheriff's Department.

Furthermore, in the news report conducted by ABC News, Channel 22 Dayton, Sergeant Denise Jones, the Intimate Partner Violence supervisor for the Clark County Sheriff's Office, said: "The statistics do not show the whole picture because sometimes higher numbers mean more victims are reporting abuse instead of deciding not to report it." Sgt Jones says, "I know everybody kind of hyper-focuses on your numbers are up," said Jones. "Higher numbers aren't always a bad thing".

The Clark County Sheriff's Office made an official policy statement. Sergeant Denise Jones was in uniform and addressed the media on behalf of the Clark County Sheriff's Office. Furthermore, the City of Springfield made the official statement on behalf of the Public Safety Director, stating on air, "The City is working with the Clark County Sheriff's Sheriff's Office..."

Official statements made on behalf of The Clark County Sheriff's Office (whom Sgt Jones Represents) and by Public Safety Director Jason Via are unacceptable. These statements implicitly and explicitly state that there is no concern for the well-being of Domestic violence, and by their own words, imply "Higher (Domestic Violence) numbers aren't always a bad thing."

As Executive Director of Springfield Domestic Violence Coalition, I will be actively engaged and vigorously urge citizen voters and our many members of the coalition to make changes at the ballot box by actively urging that ALL three members of the Clark County Commissioners get voted out of office. Furthermore, since The City of Springfield made no retractions of statements nor opposition to those statements or public notice of retraction to those statements was made by any City Commissioners on this issue, I will be actively engaged and vigorously urging citizen voters to make sure at election time ALL five City Commissioners be voted out of office.


Flax Wilt, Melanie 937-521-2005

McGlothin, Lowell 937-521-2005

Rittenhouse, Sasha 937-521-2005


Mr. Rob Rue (Mayor)

Dr. David Estrop

Mrs. Krystal Brown

Ms. Bridget Houston

Mrs. Tracy Tackett

Lastly, I will contact the Department of Justice about possible Civil Rights violations and address issues of Constitutional rights violations based on those statements. Springfield Domestic Violence Coalition will notify the Ohio Domestic Violence Network, Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, Artemis Center, Dayton's Domestic Violence Resource Agency, Violence Free Futures of Xenia, and The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) on the County's Official statements and The City of Springfields adherence to Clark County Domestic Violence Statement. Lastly, since there is an exponential increase of African American women being assaulted through Intimate Partner Violence it is imperative to notify the local and national chapters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Department of Justice civil rights violation:

Ohio Domestic Violence Network:

Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence:

Artemis Center, Dayton's Domestic Violence Resource Agency: 

Violence Free Futures of Xenia:

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV):

SDVC calls on Clark County and The City of Springfield officials to take immediate action to address the rising rates of domestic violence and to prioritize the safety and well-being of victims. We urge the community to hold their elected officials accountable and demand a change in attitude toward this critical issue.

Beth Donahue 

Executive Director - Springfield Domestic Violence Coalition (SDVC) 

Cell: 937-591-5054 



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