SDVC offers assistance and support to Academia, Government and Non Profits
Springfield Domestic Violence Coalition SDVC is a Clearing House for Domestic Violence Incidents, arrests, and court case outcome data. The SDVC records and documents Domestic Violence Incidents, arrests, and court case outcome data. Most data would be used for something other than directly responding to emergencies or individual cases. Instead, SDVC would be a central repository for data analysis and informing Community strategies. Overall, the SDVC Domestic Violence data would be a valuable tool for understanding the scope of the Domestic violence problem, identifying areas for improvement, and ultimately working towards a reduction in community domestic violence.
By collecting data across Ohio County jurisdictions, SDVC can identify areas with higher domestic violence rates, helping to allocate resources more effectively. Analyzing data on arrests and prosecution outcomes could reveal weaknesses in the legal system's response to domestic violence. Data analysis can help identify areas for improvement in law enforcement's handling of domestic violence cases and prosecution rates. The SDVC data on domestic violence incidents and outcomes can be used to develop and evaluate policies aimed at prevention and intervention. SDVC strives to understand where domestic violence is most prevalent to enable resources like shelters and support programs to target the areas with the greatest need. SDVC believes it is essential to understand the risk factors associated with domestic violence and provide verified and factual data to the community to inform and assist in the development of prevention programs.
Most of our services are free
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